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Dialing into the power of small group synergy guided by a structured learning format, In Your Element Women’s Wellness Circles provide a sacred space to connect with women who are as invested as you are in designing the next best chapter of their lives.


Catering to different learning preferences, we’ll delve into thoughtfully curated multimedia learning materials to explore the facets of multi-dimensional health and the benefits of nurturing connection in our lives, harmonizing our body’s systems and embracing the power of lifestyle medicine.


The only pre-requisite? A sense of curiosity and a love of personal development and learning in an energizing environment that supports the open exchange of ideas and experiences.

“A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in.” ~ Jeanette LeBlan

Carista M.

“What an amazing gift it is to be introduced to like-minded women supporting each other’s goals.”

White Brick Wall


Enlightening reads & listens. Dive into a hand-picked selection of wellness books, podcasts, docuseries and online master classes that spark inspiration and take you deeper into your wellness journey. Topics cover physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellness and how they intersect. (More details below!)

Reading Glasses on Book

Genuine, open-hearted dialogue. Meeting every other week, we’ll engage in rich, meaningful conversations around wellness and personal growth. We’ll discuss ways to integrate what we learn into our daily lives. Through the organic exchange of our different perspectives and experiences, we’ll learn from each other as we share and grow together.

Supportive community. Wellness Circles foster a sense of community and belonging where you’re supported and empowered by other women to learn, grow and thrive. Together, with 6-8 new friends traveling a similar path, we’ll navigate life and our unique wellness journeys. 

Mosaic Stones

Accelerated personal growth. Beyond discussions, we’ll engage in various activities and exercises to enhance learning and promote personal growth. These may include reflective exercises, goal-setting activities, mindfulness practices, journaling prompts and group experiences. By actively participating in these activities, you’ll deepen your understanding of wellness topics and develop practical skills and strategies to apply in your life.

September 2024

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REGISTRATION: Open until spaces are filled
LOCATION: In Your Element Wellness Center located in The Yellow Barn in Olathe
DURATION: 6 months
FREQUENCY: Meet in person every 2 weeks (specific dates and times TBD)
COST: $397 + materials



Social support is crucial to strengthening our ability to cope with stress and boosting our resilience to debilitating health issues like chronic disease and depression. Look no further than the Blue Zones—those areas of the world noted for unusual longevity— and you’ll find that social connections are one of the essential keys to a healthier, happier life.
When we surround ourselves with trusted friends who have our best interests at heart and share our commitment to experiencing greater well-being, we grow stronger and more confident.



  • You’re moving into a new chapter of life and find yourself ready to focus more on your health, but you aren’t quite sure where to start or how to apply what you’re learning to your life.

  • You love to digest new information by exchanging perspectives and viewpoints with others, which also helps you solidify your own understanding.

  •  You feel a little bit alone in your journey and are seeking to connect with other women on a similar path.




GET READY TO explore ...

Beautiful Landscape

Mind-Body Connection

Understanding and cultivating our mind-body connection fosters a deeper understanding of how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors influence our bodily functions, leading to more optimized health.

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Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle medicine emphasizes the importance of lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, and social support, in preventing and treating chronic diseases. 



Emotions play a significant role in overall health, influencing everything from our immune system to stress levels to cognitive function to cardiovascular health. 


Body's Systems

The human body operates as a complex biological computer, with intricate systems and processes working in harmony to regulate functions and respond to stimuli. 

Rock Balancing


By observing how the four elements of nature work in harmony to sustain life, we gain insight into the importance of balancing the multiple dimensions of our health, recognizing that each aspect plays a role in our overall well-being.

Flower Field

True Self

True self refers to the authentic essence of an individual, untethered from societal expectations, roles, and conditioning. It embodies one's deepest values, aspirations, and innate qualities, guiding personal growth and fulfillment.

Rock in Sand


Energy and frequency are not only fundamental to the workings of our universe but also deeply intertwined with our human experience, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. 



Purpose is a vital component of overall well-being, providing a sense of direction, meaning, & fulfillment. With a clear sense of purpose, we are more resilient and have guidance in our decisions & choices in life.



Epigenetics explores how our gene expression can be influenced by environmental factors & lifestyle choices. Understanding this can offer insight into disease prevention & personalized approaches to wellness.

Anne K.

"Stacey has created a great formula for a wellness program. She's incorporated a variety of learning modalities to engage all types of learners. Conducted with regularly scheduled meetings in a small group setting, sharing among members has led to great personal connections and improvement of my own wellness journey. I highly recommend Stacey if you are seeking answers to live a more full and healthy life."

Carista M.

“I’ve learned a lot from the group Stacey has coordinated and from the group of women she has brought together. What an amazing gift it is to be introduced to like-minded women supporting each other goals.  The coffee sessions and discussions groups have pushed me to grow in my health & wellness journey and I am very grateful Stacey has been leading the way!” 

Amanda B.

"I’m very pleased to be a member of a wellness learning group led by Stacey! She is very knowledgeable on so many aspects of health and wellbeing. She leads in a positive and encouraging manner which fosters open dialogue in our group. I’ve learned so much from Stacey and made a new set of friends in the process. I highly recommend Stacey’s wellness groups!"
White Room

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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

© 2024 by In Your Element Wellness, LLC

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