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“Curiosity is the superpower for the second half of our lives—it keeps us learning, it keeps us asking questions, and it increases our self-awareness.” ~ Brené Brown


Imagine approaching your health and wellness journey in a way that’s completely unique to you, complementing your lifestyle and nourishing your well-being—all while surrounded by an engaged, supportive community.


My goal is to help you find more balance across the various dimensions of wellness and build an awareness of the interconnectedness of well-being while also discovering what truly brings harmony and joy to your life.


As we navigate towards more holistic well-being, you’ll find a more natural and easy flow to your life and deeper connections to Self, others and the world around you.


Grounded in my personal experiences and professional wellness training, I’ve found that experiential learning is a fulfilling —and effective — approach to wellness as we move forward on this journey.

Experiential learning is a holistic style of learning that supports the changes we wish to make.


  • Developed by David A. Kolb, experiential learning engages all parts of the brain through reflective and critical thinking, creative problem-solving, social connection and practical action


  • Experiential learning lights up our sense of wonder and invites us into deeper connection with ourselves and others.  


  • Experiential learning appeals to diverse adult learning styles, and with this approach we’re 75% more likely to retain what we learn and effectively apply it in our lives. 


By following your curiosity, you give yourself the gift of exploring your options and deciding what feels right to you. At In Your Element Wellness, you’re invited to do exactly that.


Experience a thoughtfully curated range of programming and interactive events that dive deep into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of well-being.


Surrounded by a vibrant community of support in an uplifting space, you’ll gain the knowledge, skills and resilience to empower you on your wellness journey.   

White Room

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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

© 2024 by In Your Element Wellness, LLC

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