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Balance your body, mind and spirit

Sound healing is an ancient practice that harnesses the power of sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Through the use of various instruments such as crystal singing bowls, gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, drums and other instruments, sound healing practitioners create soothing frequencies that resonate with the body's natural rhythms. As these vibrations wash over us, they can help release tension, reduce stress, and restore balance to our energy centers.


Sound has the power to move us. Research shows that one of the key benefits of sound healing is its ability to induce a deep state of relaxation, similar to that achieved through meditation. As we immerse ourselves in the gentle sounds, our nervous system calms, our heart rate slows, and our breathing becomes more steady and rhythmic. This relaxation response not only alleviates stress and anxiety but also allows the body to enter a state of healing and repair.

Beyond relaxation, sound healing can also facilitate emotional release and inner exploration. The vibrations penetrate deep into our being, helping to dissolve energetic blockages and release stored emotions. Many people report feeling lighter, clearer, and more emotionally balanced after a sound healing session. Additionally, sound can serve as a powerful tool for introspection, guiding us into deeper states of awareness and self-discovery.


Overall, sound healing offers a holistic approach to wellness, addressing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. By harmonizing our internal energies and promoting a sense of inner peace, it empowers us to tap into our innate healing abilities and cultivate a greater sense of well-being in our lives.


If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.


- Nikola Tesla



Get updates on sound bath events scheduled in Kansas City

Singing Bowl


Gather your nearest and dearest for an special experience with a private sound bath event hosted exclusively for your small group. Bask in the mesmerizing sounds of crystal bowls, chimes, and other soothing instruments, orchestrated to melt away tension and take you into deep relaxation. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, bridal shower, or simply craving quality time with your favorite people, a private sound bath offers the perfect opportunity to bond, unwind, and create cherished memories together.


Treat your friends or family to an unique bonding experience through the frequency of sound to balance your body, mind and spirit.


Book your private session today and elevate your next gathering with the healing power of sound.

Jeni H.

"Stacey’s sound bath was a perfect way to wind down at the end of the week. The variety of sound vibrations created a unique first experience for me."

Karen C.

"Attending Stacey’s sound bath was such a relaxing experience. She welcomed us into a candle-lit room, played soothing music and shared a calming meditation to prepare our minds and bodies for her sound bath concert. The magnificent sound waves and vibrations from the singing bowls traveled through my body which left me feeling uplifted, peaceful and renewed. I slept like a baby that night!"

Carista M.

“I attended Stacey’s Full Moon Sound Bath and was mesmerized by the singing bowls. The overlapping sounds of the bowls are almost unearthly. It was my first sound bath and it was truly a beautiful experience. I got lost in the resonance and couldn’t believe how quickly the time passed.  Would definitely do again!”
White Room

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